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Contact Lookup Fast

4.8 out of 5
1,000+ downloads

About Contact Lookup Fast

Search all your contacts - Fast!

Contact Lookup Fast searches ALL the contact fields and labels with sub-second search times, even with a large contact database

This is the contact search tool for people who need speed or professionals with large contact databases (tested with over 25,000 contacts)

Look online for the User Manual

Read the search hints post to see the powerful search options


* Searches all the contact fields and labels, even notes and custom ones
* Grid layout for tablets
* Comprehensive search options with powerful SQL like features (AND OR LIKE NOT)
* Category search page to easily narrow down a search to specific fields (name, address, etc)
* Group search page
* Intelligent phone and number searching which ignores formatting and whitespace
* Intelligent voice search including category search (e.g. say Name 'John' Company 'Google')
* Palm like Initial + Surname search, e.g. use "sb" or "sbr" to find Sergey Brin
* Various sort options
* Email/SMS contacts in the search results
* Share contacts as vCards
* Search history
* and more!

Categories searched:

- Structured Names
- Nicknames
- Phone Numbers
- SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) Addresses, also know as VOIP addresses. (OS 2.3+)
- Email Addresses
- Website Addresses
- Postal Addresses
- Instant Messaging Addresses
- Organisations
- Contact Events (Birthdays, Anniversaries, etc)
- Contact Notes
- Relations
- Contact Group Names
- Custom fields entered via Gmail (labels and data)
- Custom labels in the standard contact fields are searched too!

Integration with Contact View

Contact View is a companion application, developed by SoftWyer, that is based upon the default Android viewer to provide a more clear view of the contacts. To use Contact View with Contact Lookup you must install it from the Android Market.

Note, Email us first if there's a problem with the application. We're happy to refund your purchase if you are not happy. Leaving 1 star reviews helps no-one.

Contact Lookup Fast Screenshots