⑨弾幕 icon


4.5 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About ⑨弾幕

----- How ------
Move slide
Bomb? 2-point touch

Since not be able to operate confirmation you may want to freeze-kill.

[Known Bugs]
And forced the end of the game
- Notification of such come LINE and forced termination

[Update schedule]
· Bug fixes
• Adding stage

Bug, if you have something needs
To the following e-mail address, please.

------- Mail --------

This image, music (except some) of the app we have been using the free material.

BGM: kaleido sky

Dot picture: exit Wow Wolf-like

This application Touhou Project of fanfic.
Questions concerning this work will thank you like he does not is the original author "Team Shanghai Alice" -like.

⑨弾幕 Screenshots