Award-winning Sparks Group Inc connects leading companies and nonprofits with exceptional IT, Finance, Creative, Marketing, and Administrative talent - nationwide. The app provides job seekers with an easy job search & career management experience and it allows employers to request talent & access featured content.
Job Seekers: The app provides you the ability to control and manage your career all in the palm of your hands, whether you're seeking new employment or are a current Sparks Group contract employee. Find full-time, part-time and online opportunities, 24/7, in various job sectors including: Office Administration, IT and Software Development, Accounting & Finance, Creative Design, Marketing, Distribution & Logistics, Human Resources, Call Centers Services, Paralegal, Customer Service, and Retail. It provides quick and easy access to job openings in multiple states throughout the Mid-Atlantic, Southern and Mid-Western regional areas.
Employers: The app provides a fast and easy way to request talent for your company; Full-time, part-time, temporary, on-site, or remote. Sparks Group regularly places talent in various job sectors; Office Administration, IT and Software Development, Accounting & Finance, Creative Design, Marketing, Distribution & Logistics, Human Resources, Call Centers Services, Paralegal, Customer Service, and Retail. The app also provides you with access to featured content, blogs, tools for hiring, and detailed information on Sparks Group & its services.
Job Seeker / Employee Features:
- Search jobs (filter by keywords, category, position type, location) and apply online from any device with Quick Apply
- Free registration and faster access to Sparks Group jobs from top companies
- Receive job opportunities through personalized job alerts (receive via email and push notification)
- Save up to 5 resumes, track job application history and update your resume anytime
- Complete onboarding forms on your mobile device
- Access and complete timesheets, paystubs, and Tax forms in PDF
- Manage notification settings, and staying in touch with your recruiter
Employer Features:
- Request a talent consultation
- Free employer hiring resources
- Coming soon:
- Review and approve weekly timesheets & invoices
- Submit orders for job openings
- Communicate with recruiter, account manager, and accounting
About Us:
Sparks Group is a leading staffing and recruitment agency and provides contingent and full-time talent and business services to great organizations. Founded in 1970 as an administrative temporary staffing firm, today Sparks Group is a premier provider of professional, technical, administrative, and creative talent for organizations looking to make their next great hire. We hold long-term partnerships with many of the area’s top employers, spanning a diverse mix of industries.
Job Seekers: The app provides you the ability to control and manage your career all in the palm of your hands, whether you're seeking new employment or are a current Sparks Group contract employee. Find full-time, part-time and online opportunities, 24/7, in various job sectors including: Office Administration, IT and Software Development, Accounting & Finance, Creative Design, Marketing, Distribution & Logistics, Human Resources, Call Centers Services, Paralegal, Customer Service, and Retail. It provides quick and easy access to job openings in multiple states throughout the Mid-Atlantic, Southern and Mid-Western regional areas.
Employers: The app provides a fast and easy way to request talent for your company; Full-time, part-time, temporary, on-site, or remote. Sparks Group regularly places talent in various job sectors; Office Administration, IT and Software Development, Accounting & Finance, Creative Design, Marketing, Distribution & Logistics, Human Resources, Call Centers Services, Paralegal, Customer Service, and Retail. The app also provides you with access to featured content, blogs, tools for hiring, and detailed information on Sparks Group & its services.
Job Seeker / Employee Features:
- Search jobs (filter by keywords, category, position type, location) and apply online from any device with Quick Apply
- Free registration and faster access to Sparks Group jobs from top companies
- Receive job opportunities through personalized job alerts (receive via email and push notification)
- Save up to 5 resumes, track job application history and update your resume anytime
- Complete onboarding forms on your mobile device
- Access and complete timesheets, paystubs, and Tax forms in PDF
- Manage notification settings, and staying in touch with your recruiter
Employer Features:
- Request a talent consultation
- Free employer hiring resources
- Coming soon:
- Review and approve weekly timesheets & invoices
- Submit orders for job openings
- Communicate with recruiter, account manager, and accounting
About Us:
Sparks Group is a leading staffing and recruitment agency and provides contingent and full-time talent and business services to great organizations. Founded in 1970 as an administrative temporary staffing firm, today Sparks Group is a premier provider of professional, technical, administrative, and creative talent for organizations looking to make their next great hire. We hold long-term partnerships with many of the area’s top employers, spanning a diverse mix of industries.
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