Speedy Eats has a wide variety of meals with affordable prices which do better than meals on apps like Jumia Foods, Dominos Pizza Nigeria, ChopNowNow, Chicken Republic & OFood from Opay.
Get food delivered fast right at your doorstep, faster than you can ever imagine. Speedy Eats app enables you to find food vendors around you and select from 100s of dishes available. Simply order, the restaurant takes your order and our partner riders delivers it in a jiffy!
Key features include:
- Search restaurants around your location
- See vendors and their delivery time
- View restaurant menus and dish details
- Place orders for yourself or to be delivered for someone
- Pay directly via card or cash
- Track the progress of your order in real-time, contact riders if you need to
- Add and store your card securely, so you won't have to bother finding ways to pay
Browse local restaurants and fast-food favourites for inspiration. Or, get exactly what you’re looking for by searching for a specific restaurant, dish or cuisine. From Jollof, Fried Rice, to Eba, Pounded Yam, Amala to Pizza, Chicken, Sandwiches, Shawarma, Salads, Snacks, Drinks, Milkshake.. Any meal any time. If you're hungry for it, try Speedy Eats.
You can get a chance to win Free Food Delivery during our lucky hour promos.
Speedy Easts is available with top vendors that make great meals. Download today and get satisfied.
Get food delivered fast right at your doorstep, faster than you can ever imagine. Speedy Eats app enables you to find food vendors around you and select from 100s of dishes available. Simply order, the restaurant takes your order and our partner riders delivers it in a jiffy!
Key features include:
- Search restaurants around your location
- See vendors and their delivery time
- View restaurant menus and dish details
- Place orders for yourself or to be delivered for someone
- Pay directly via card or cash
- Track the progress of your order in real-time, contact riders if you need to
- Add and store your card securely, so you won't have to bother finding ways to pay
Browse local restaurants and fast-food favourites for inspiration. Or, get exactly what you’re looking for by searching for a specific restaurant, dish or cuisine. From Jollof, Fried Rice, to Eba, Pounded Yam, Amala to Pizza, Chicken, Sandwiches, Shawarma, Salads, Snacks, Drinks, Milkshake.. Any meal any time. If you're hungry for it, try Speedy Eats.
You can get a chance to win Free Food Delivery during our lucky hour promos.
Speedy Easts is available with top vendors that make great meals. Download today and get satisfied.
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