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status maker

prashant chopda
50+ downloads

About status maker

Status Maker contains lot of quote categories like Funny, Love, miss you, anniversary, birthday, attitude, dream, education, friendship, life, genius, money, saying, heart broken, nature, success, wisdom, woman, man, inspirational, spiritual, time and trust quotes.

Status MakerFree app is a complete text editor which has lot of edit options such as text size, font styles, text color, shadow, text format, text alignment etc.This quotes creator contains beautiful backgrounds which you can select background which u like most and on top of it add your text background color.

Make your own way to express your feeling.You can use ultimate quotes app to make a birthday wish, anniversary wish and many more quotes create a saying on a pic for every mood using this quotes generator contains the best wallpaper creator with words in the andriod market.

Status Maker is a compilation of the best quotes creator app that are available right on your device. It is also a compilation of some great picture quotes maker tool that will let you transform any quote from an ordinary text to an amazing image quote.

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