Depending on your growing conditions, Celway celosia varieties can be produced in greenhouses, high tunnels or directly out in the field. The tall, narrow plant habit and flower spikes make it suitable for high density plantings with high productivity. The celosia Celway series reputation for long vase life is a plus for florists. (Other separate colors are available upon request.)
Color: Purple
Soil temperature: 68 - 72 degrees fahrenheit
Germination lighting: Light required
Germination days: 7 - 10 days
Grow on temperature day: 65 - 70 degrees fahrenheit
Grow on temperature night: 65 - 68 degrees fahrenheit
Weeks indoor: 11 - 16 weeks
Plant spread: 5 - 5 inches
Plant height: 28-40"
Plant type: annual
Maturation days: 85-120 days
Color: Purple
Soil temperature: 68 - 72 degrees fahrenheit
Germination lighting: Light required
Germination days: 7 - 10 days
Grow on temperature day: 65 - 70 degrees fahrenheit
Grow on temperature night: 65 - 68 degrees fahrenheit
Weeks indoor: 11 - 16 weeks
Plant spread: 5 - 5 inches
Plant height: 28-40"
Plant type: annual
Maturation days: 85-120 days
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