Umme Habiba is classified as Pakistan first female Naat Khu’wan. She has been acknowledged throughout the Islamic world for her melodic and spell-binding recitation of Naat Sharif that poetically praises Allah and his beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Her dedication towards Islam and thrilling voice have engaged and inspired audiences all over the world. While she resides in Chicago, Illinois, Umme Habiba take a trips throughout the United States and around the world to recite Hamd and Naat to affectionate fans. She visits Pakistan every year to pay honor to her faith and visit her mother country. You can access Umme Habiba latest Naat online on this app and share it with masses on social media.
اس ایپ میں آپ سن سکتے ہیں امِ حبیبہ کی مشہور نعتیں
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اس ایپ میں آپ سن سکتے ہیں امِ حبیبہ کی مشہور نعتیں
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