SawitPedia from Sulung Research Station
SawitPedia is a free application that contains an encyclopedia on oil palm plantations. This application can be run offline to ensure you get knowledge anywhere and anytime without additional data packages!
Why use our application:
• FREE: SawitPedia does not use a data package to access it and there is no subscription fee for this application.
• FROM SRS: The articles are prepared by our research experts with various knowledge in the field of oil palm.
• RICH FEATURES: There is a search feature, a filter feature, a zoom feature for high quality photos.
SawitPedia is a free application that contains an encyclopedia on oil palm plantations. This application can be run offline to ensure you get knowledge anywhere and anytime without additional data packages!
Why use our application:
• FREE: SawitPedia does not use a data package to access it and there is no subscription fee for this application.
• FROM SRS: The articles are prepared by our research experts with various knowledge in the field of oil palm.
• RICH FEATURES: There is a search feature, a filter feature, a zoom feature for high quality photos.
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