The app includes daily yoga asanas for office that will help you removal of chronic fatigue syndrome, pain in neck, back, waist, increase of muscle flexibility, strengthening of immunity.
How to lead a healthy lifestyle, if you spend most of your day at the office? Are there effective exercises for people working at the desk? Now you can answer "yes" without any doubt. "Daily Yoga Postures for Office and Workplace" app solves the typical problems of today's companies’ employees, whose day is spent in a sitting position near a computer:
1. The development of scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, sciatica and other back disorders.
2. Neck numb and stiff neck, arms, legs.
3. Redness and dry eye syndrome because of continuous work at a computer display.
4. The impact of stress during the workday.
5. General fatigue and apathy at the end of the day.
This app is yoga for beginners following postures:
1. Sitting.
2. Spinning of the head (clockwise direction).
3. Spinning of the head (counterclockwise direction).
4. Rotation of the shoulders back.
5. Rotation of the shoulders forward.
6. Sitting twist to the left.
7. Sitting twist to the right.
8. Extension up.
9. Tilt forward with hands locked.
10. Chair pose.
11. Left twist in a chair pose.
12. Chair pose.
13. Right twist in a chair pose.
14. Sitting.
15. Cat pose sitting.
16. Hand lock back.
17. Right cow head pose.
18. Left cow head pose.
19. Right eagle pose.
20. Left eagle pose.
21. Sitting.
Training cycle of "Daily Yoga Postures for Office and Workplace" is specially adapted to the conditions of a typical workplace with a lack of free space, a desk and a chair. You can practice yoga, sitting in a chair or do the exercises lying on a small mat on the floor. You’ll need the minimum of time and space for the training. Still, the effect will be like after exercises in a gym with an instructor - flexibility, stretching, release of fatigue from the neck and back. Doing yoga in the office, you'll soon notice how your efficiency increased and your fatigue reduced at the end of the working day.
These exercises make visiting the gym redundant. In addition, you do not spend money on the services of the instructor: This mobile app is free.
The entire training process consists in the repetition of exercises that you see on the screen of your mobile phone. Each exercise is accompanied by a description of the effect: strengthening of specific muscle groups, respiratory stabilization, etc.
Daily Yoga Postures for Office and Workplace app will allow to:
1. Remove chronic fatigue in neck and back.
2. Gently stretch and relax the muscles that strain during a prolonged sedentary work, give them elasticity and flexibility.
3. Exercise your eyes, reducing redness syndrome, dryness and fatigue.
4. Bring the whole body in tone, help you feel the rush of vitality.
5. Significantly improve your performance during the working day.
And, all this from a soft muscle stretch to eyes training, is given by yoga, performed while sitting on a chair. It is time to change the stereotype that yoga is not available for modern office workers. There is no need to choose between work and health. Combine your career growth with taking care of your physical and moral well-being. Now, you can bring the body in tone directly in the workplace. Since a series of classes, "Yoga for office workers" meets the needs of business people, it is enough to train during a small daily break.
"Daily Yoga Postures for Office and Workplace" - a useful and enjoyable way to improve your performance. Noted: people doing exercises in the workplace, get energized and continue to work with even more motivation. In addition, employees practicing yoga are less subject to stress factors, and remain calm even in critical working situations.
How to lead a healthy lifestyle, if you spend most of your day at the office? Are there effective exercises for people working at the desk? Now you can answer "yes" without any doubt. "Daily Yoga Postures for Office and Workplace" app solves the typical problems of today's companies’ employees, whose day is spent in a sitting position near a computer:
1. The development of scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, sciatica and other back disorders.
2. Neck numb and stiff neck, arms, legs.
3. Redness and dry eye syndrome because of continuous work at a computer display.
4. The impact of stress during the workday.
5. General fatigue and apathy at the end of the day.
This app is yoga for beginners following postures:
1. Sitting.
2. Spinning of the head (clockwise direction).
3. Spinning of the head (counterclockwise direction).
4. Rotation of the shoulders back.
5. Rotation of the shoulders forward.
6. Sitting twist to the left.
7. Sitting twist to the right.
8. Extension up.
9. Tilt forward with hands locked.
10. Chair pose.
11. Left twist in a chair pose.
12. Chair pose.
13. Right twist in a chair pose.
14. Sitting.
15. Cat pose sitting.
16. Hand lock back.
17. Right cow head pose.
18. Left cow head pose.
19. Right eagle pose.
20. Left eagle pose.
21. Sitting.
Training cycle of "Daily Yoga Postures for Office and Workplace" is specially adapted to the conditions of a typical workplace with a lack of free space, a desk and a chair. You can practice yoga, sitting in a chair or do the exercises lying on a small mat on the floor. You’ll need the minimum of time and space for the training. Still, the effect will be like after exercises in a gym with an instructor - flexibility, stretching, release of fatigue from the neck and back. Doing yoga in the office, you'll soon notice how your efficiency increased and your fatigue reduced at the end of the working day.
These exercises make visiting the gym redundant. In addition, you do not spend money on the services of the instructor: This mobile app is free.
The entire training process consists in the repetition of exercises that you see on the screen of your mobile phone. Each exercise is accompanied by a description of the effect: strengthening of specific muscle groups, respiratory stabilization, etc.
Daily Yoga Postures for Office and Workplace app will allow to:
1. Remove chronic fatigue in neck and back.
2. Gently stretch and relax the muscles that strain during a prolonged sedentary work, give them elasticity and flexibility.
3. Exercise your eyes, reducing redness syndrome, dryness and fatigue.
4. Bring the whole body in tone, help you feel the rush of vitality.
5. Significantly improve your performance during the working day.
And, all this from a soft muscle stretch to eyes training, is given by yoga, performed while sitting on a chair. It is time to change the stereotype that yoga is not available for modern office workers. There is no need to choose between work and health. Combine your career growth with taking care of your physical and moral well-being. Now, you can bring the body in tone directly in the workplace. Since a series of classes, "Yoga for office workers" meets the needs of business people, it is enough to train during a small daily break.
"Daily Yoga Postures for Office and Workplace" - a useful and enjoyable way to improve your performance. Noted: people doing exercises in the workplace, get energized and continue to work with even more motivation. In addition, employees practicing yoga are less subject to stress factors, and remain calm even in critical working situations.
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