English SSC exam practice application is built for the students who are preparing for their SSC and other competitive exams. English is one of the main subject of any competitive exam for any government job or private job you are trying to apply for. And believe me, the English subject is one of the easiest way of getting a good score in such exams.
Therefore you should concentrate more on English subject because if your English preparation is good you can score 90 to 99% marks in the exam. In India we have lots of exams like SSCAll Exams like UPSC,IAS, IPS,JKPSC, SSC,IFS, BANK EXAMS,BANK PO,CIVIL SERVICES, BANK CLERK,RRB or REGIONAL RURAL BANKS, PCS,RAILWAY EXAMS, BANK SPECIALIST OFFICER, STATE CIVIL SERVICES,APPSC, TNPSC, POLICE EXAMS, SSC CGL,GPSC, CISF, CAPF, NDA EXAMS, Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board, CDS EXAM, MPPSC, GOVERNMENT JOB EXAMS, Assistants, IBPS BANK EXAMS, IBPS CWE EXAMS, INSURANCE EXAMS, POST OFFICE EXAMS, NICL– AICL – AO, UICL – AO, BPSC, Chhattisgarh PSC, HPSC, HPSSSB, HPPSC, Jharkhand PSC, Kerala PSC, MPSC, OPSC, RPSC, PPSC, UPPSC, and WBSETCL. and friends the list is endless but English is a subject that remain same for all exams you don't have to to prepare your English based on the kind of job you are applying for kind of competitive exam you are preparing for. English subject is going to remain the same therefore you don't have to download many applications to get yourself ready for the competitive English exam. Friends, we created an English SSC exam practice application keeping in mind the same ideology. In this application you will find lots of category based questions and it's answers are explained with full explanation. Yes friend it is very important for an application to have a correct and full explanation why a question is correct or why a question is wrong because then only you would be able to understand the concept of each question correctly and you will not make a mistake again.
We have categorised the questions of this application into 2 more than 9 categories.
Topic Wise list
1. Common errors. 1250+ Questions
2. Sentence improvement. 1200+ Questions
3. Questions based on Active and Passive.
4. Direct and indirect speech .
5. more than 1200 questions in fill in the blanks section.
6. Questions based on synonyms and antonyms.
7. More than 1300 questions on one word substitute.
8. 1250 questions with full explanation based on idioms and phrases.
9. 1200 plus questions based on sentence arrangement.
So friends you see we categorise the questions of this application into topics so that you can get a better understanding. Things become very easy when you know what kind of sentences or questions you are going to see in a particular quiz aur exam practice test.
Now let me Tell you some features of this application
Features of English Practice app..
1. Random Competition Compete with Random users.
The best feature of this application I personally like is that you can compete with your friend. Yes, there is a section in this application where you can find someone to challenge him in a quiz.
2. Group Competition Compete with many users.
Then we also have a section here where you can compete with your friends in a group.
3. Contest Play.
then we have a contest play where you will see random questions from any quiz and you have to answer them correctly in order to win the contest.
4. daily quiz
We have a section called daily quiz if you come to this section you will find a new quiz created randomly by picking 10 questions from 13000 questions we have in the database.
5. practice section
we also have a practice section in this application where you will be given 10 questions along with its answer and full explanation.
6. self challenge,
There is a section for self challenge in this section you select no. of question and time to complete.
So From my side I try to make this application as useful as I can. Your suggestions and requests are more than welcome.
Therefore you should concentrate more on English subject because if your English preparation is good you can score 90 to 99% marks in the exam. In India we have lots of exams like SSCAll Exams like UPSC,IAS, IPS,JKPSC, SSC,IFS, BANK EXAMS,BANK PO,CIVIL SERVICES, BANK CLERK,RRB or REGIONAL RURAL BANKS, PCS,RAILWAY EXAMS, BANK SPECIALIST OFFICER, STATE CIVIL SERVICES,APPSC, TNPSC, POLICE EXAMS, SSC CGL,GPSC, CISF, CAPF, NDA EXAMS, Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board, CDS EXAM, MPPSC, GOVERNMENT JOB EXAMS, Assistants, IBPS BANK EXAMS, IBPS CWE EXAMS, INSURANCE EXAMS, POST OFFICE EXAMS, NICL– AICL – AO, UICL – AO, BPSC, Chhattisgarh PSC, HPSC, HPSSSB, HPPSC, Jharkhand PSC, Kerala PSC, MPSC, OPSC, RPSC, PPSC, UPPSC, and WBSETCL. and friends the list is endless but English is a subject that remain same for all exams you don't have to to prepare your English based on the kind of job you are applying for kind of competitive exam you are preparing for. English subject is going to remain the same therefore you don't have to download many applications to get yourself ready for the competitive English exam. Friends, we created an English SSC exam practice application keeping in mind the same ideology. In this application you will find lots of category based questions and it's answers are explained with full explanation. Yes friend it is very important for an application to have a correct and full explanation why a question is correct or why a question is wrong because then only you would be able to understand the concept of each question correctly and you will not make a mistake again.
We have categorised the questions of this application into 2 more than 9 categories.
Topic Wise list
1. Common errors. 1250+ Questions
2. Sentence improvement. 1200+ Questions
3. Questions based on Active and Passive.
4. Direct and indirect speech .
5. more than 1200 questions in fill in the blanks section.
6. Questions based on synonyms and antonyms.
7. More than 1300 questions on one word substitute.
8. 1250 questions with full explanation based on idioms and phrases.
9. 1200 plus questions based on sentence arrangement.
So friends you see we categorise the questions of this application into topics so that you can get a better understanding. Things become very easy when you know what kind of sentences or questions you are going to see in a particular quiz aur exam practice test.
Now let me Tell you some features of this application
Features of English Practice app..
1. Random Competition Compete with Random users.
The best feature of this application I personally like is that you can compete with your friend. Yes, there is a section in this application where you can find someone to challenge him in a quiz.
2. Group Competition Compete with many users.
Then we also have a section here where you can compete with your friends in a group.
3. Contest Play.
then we have a contest play where you will see random questions from any quiz and you have to answer them correctly in order to win the contest.
4. daily quiz
We have a section called daily quiz if you come to this section you will find a new quiz created randomly by picking 10 questions from 13000 questions we have in the database.
5. practice section
we also have a practice section in this application where you will be given 10 questions along with its answer and full explanation.
6. self challenge,
There is a section for self challenge in this section you select no. of question and time to complete.
So From my side I try to make this application as useful as I can. Your suggestions and requests are more than welcome.
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