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고잉 GOiNG

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About 고잉 GOiNG

Stavi's new content streaming platform for up to 8 channels.
Viewers can freely select and enjoy content of various genres on the screen they want to see.

▲ Real-time Live and Vod Streaming
You can enjoy Live and Vod anywhere as long as you have a smartphone.

▲ Up to 8-channel screen provided
Up to 8 different screen views of one content are provided at the same time, so you can enjoy the content on the screen you want.

▲ Real-time chat function
With the real-time chat function, you can communicate with the viewers watching together, and you can send like messages of interest and support.

▲ Various genres of content
You can enjoy sports, games, musicals, and music content.

STABY : https://www.staby.co.kr

staby YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/staby

If you have any questions during use, please contact us by e-mail.

고잉 GOiNG Screenshots

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