The Central Party Board invites you to enjoy this app whose main objective is to facilitate the interaction and integration of villagers and visitors with the parties, increasing the quality of the festive experience in our city.
Access all the updated information about our parties: news, events, shows, special squads, etc. Get points and gifts in the proposed games. In the parades section you can access the information in real time, using GPS technology, of the main parades. You can also save your favorites, watch live TV, change language, etc. Use the search engine on the Home page if you need to find information quickly or related to any topic of your interest.
In this section you can consult the most relevant news of our parties, the program of events and the history of our comparsas. Guide yourself to the sights of the city at parties or the services you need. Meet who are the Regidoras and Fees Festeros 2018, as well as the Special Squads that participate this year. Enjoy in each section of your collections of images and videos.
You can also guide yourself to the headquarters of the troupes and the most emblematic places in the city where several of the scheduled events take place. To reach them, use the map of “places of interest” and locate the related icons.
Everything you need to live our parties intensely can be found in the Villena trade. Find out in this section of the places to share a good table with your family and friends, where to finalize details of the festive costumes or where to fill your pantry so you do not miss anything.
Have fun with these party games getting points and gifts. The first, who is the most festive ?, consists of several collections of questions about our city and its parties. The answers to the Vi Shops and Services collections can be found in the Vi de Villena shops. The prizes are delivered by the associated merchants.
The second, who is the most festive ?, is a geolocation game with which you can prove to be the most festive of Villena. Every time you go to an act of the official program, the app will check your position and accumulate points for being in the right place and time. The first classified in the ranking will get a fantastic cruise, courtesy of Costa Cruises and Salvatur.
Enjoy the new festive experience by consulting on the map “in real time” the exact location of each group and special squad during the main parades. Accessing the icons of the squares you will be able to consult its history, designer, preparation of the suit, makeup, band, musical piece, etc. In the icons of the parades the order of parade and boats. When you are close to a square, the information will come to you automatically. Note that you can enlarge the map for convenience from the bottom tab or reduce it to access the elements of the parade.
This section shows the party contents that you liked the most: your party, favorite act, party charges, etc. Or maybe the services you need most. You can also save the special squads that you liked the most and, if you have come to enjoy our parties, maybe contact them and wear their costumes in your city. You can remove the items from the list from the icon in the upper right corner of each of them.
To have a more personalized experience and be able to participate in the games of questions and photographs, you need to register in the app. It is as simple as pressing a button. You can use your Google or Facebook account. Get through registration and participation show that you are the most festive and place yourself in the top positions of the ranking, the prizes are waiting for you.
Access all the updated information about our parties: news, events, shows, special squads, etc. Get points and gifts in the proposed games. In the parades section you can access the information in real time, using GPS technology, of the main parades. You can also save your favorites, watch live TV, change language, etc. Use the search engine on the Home page if you need to find information quickly or related to any topic of your interest.
In this section you can consult the most relevant news of our parties, the program of events and the history of our comparsas. Guide yourself to the sights of the city at parties or the services you need. Meet who are the Regidoras and Fees Festeros 2018, as well as the Special Squads that participate this year. Enjoy in each section of your collections of images and videos.
You can also guide yourself to the headquarters of the troupes and the most emblematic places in the city where several of the scheduled events take place. To reach them, use the map of “places of interest” and locate the related icons.
Everything you need to live our parties intensely can be found in the Villena trade. Find out in this section of the places to share a good table with your family and friends, where to finalize details of the festive costumes or where to fill your pantry so you do not miss anything.
Have fun with these party games getting points and gifts. The first, who is the most festive ?, consists of several collections of questions about our city and its parties. The answers to the Vi Shops and Services collections can be found in the Vi de Villena shops. The prizes are delivered by the associated merchants.
The second, who is the most festive ?, is a geolocation game with which you can prove to be the most festive of Villena. Every time you go to an act of the official program, the app will check your position and accumulate points for being in the right place and time. The first classified in the ranking will get a fantastic cruise, courtesy of Costa Cruises and Salvatur.
Enjoy the new festive experience by consulting on the map “in real time” the exact location of each group and special squad during the main parades. Accessing the icons of the squares you will be able to consult its history, designer, preparation of the suit, makeup, band, musical piece, etc. In the icons of the parades the order of parade and boats. When you are close to a square, the information will come to you automatically. Note that you can enlarge the map for convenience from the bottom tab or reduce it to access the elements of the parade.
This section shows the party contents that you liked the most: your party, favorite act, party charges, etc. Or maybe the services you need most. You can also save the special squads that you liked the most and, if you have come to enjoy our parties, maybe contact them and wear their costumes in your city. You can remove the items from the list from the icon in the upper right corner of each of them.
To have a more personalized experience and be able to participate in the games of questions and photographs, you need to register in the app. It is as simple as pressing a button. You can use your Google or Facebook account. Get through registration and participation show that you are the most festive and place yourself in the top positions of the ranking, the prizes are waiting for you.
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