RRB(Railways Recruitment Boards) Exam 2020-21 Preparation mobile app.
This is a must downloaded app for Student Preparing for RRB Railway Exam.
This app is for a complete preparation of all railway exams in 2020-21. The app contains the latest pattern practice question and solutions that makes the process of selection in the upcoming exams very easy.
1 hour daily practice in this app can result in you being selected in upcoming railway exam. Install this app and start to learn daily and see the change for yourself.
Important GK Question Answer and Quiz For railway exam, RRB , Railway Jobs ,Railway Group D Preparation , Study Materials | ,This App for advance exams Like RRB Locomotive pilot, Technical
grade in Electrical, Civil, Computers and Mechanical for Junior Engineer Exams (JEE Railways). This app is very easy to use and best dairy for railway exam preparation.
In this app, We have try to add below listed exams & categories question & solutions
1. RPF
6. RRC Group D
7. Railway RRB NTPC
Syllabus for RRB :
01. General Awareness (India GK, Quiz)
02. Arithmetic (Mathematics, Quantitative aptitude)
03. Technical Ability
04. Reasoning Ability (Logical, Analytical abilities)
05. General Intelligence
06. Language ability in English
07. World history
08. Indian Geography
09. World Geography
10.General Science include all topics i.e.
11. Physics
12. Chemistry
13. Biology
14. Indian Polity etc.
RRB Railways app is an online app with a part of the contents from the public domain. The purpose of the app is to provide knowledge/general information to the user. All the images and text contained in the app are collected from different internet sources. All the images/text are readily available in various places on the internet and are believed to be in the public domain. However, we do not claim ownership/copyright of material/media used in the app. We acknowledge that the respective copyright owners of the contents own the rights. If you own the right to any content in the app, please write to us at stalwartsofttech@gmail.com with the copyright details of the original source, and the stated content will be removed immediately. No infringement intended.
This is a must downloaded app for Student Preparing for RRB Railway Exam.
This app is for a complete preparation of all railway exams in 2020-21. The app contains the latest pattern practice question and solutions that makes the process of selection in the upcoming exams very easy.
1 hour daily practice in this app can result in you being selected in upcoming railway exam. Install this app and start to learn daily and see the change for yourself.
Important GK Question Answer and Quiz For railway exam, RRB , Railway Jobs ,Railway Group D Preparation , Study Materials | ,This App for advance exams Like RRB Locomotive pilot, Technical
grade in Electrical, Civil, Computers and Mechanical for Junior Engineer Exams (JEE Railways). This app is very easy to use and best dairy for railway exam preparation.
In this app, We have try to add below listed exams & categories question & solutions
1. RPF
6. RRC Group D
7. Railway RRB NTPC
Syllabus for RRB :
01. General Awareness (India GK, Quiz)
02. Arithmetic (Mathematics, Quantitative aptitude)
03. Technical Ability
04. Reasoning Ability (Logical, Analytical abilities)
05. General Intelligence
06. Language ability in English
07. World history
08. Indian Geography
09. World Geography
10.General Science include all topics i.e.
11. Physics
12. Chemistry
13. Biology
14. Indian Polity etc.
RRB Railways app is an online app with a part of the contents from the public domain. The purpose of the app is to provide knowledge/general information to the user. All the images and text contained in the app are collected from different internet sources. All the images/text are readily available in various places on the internet and are believed to be in the public domain. However, we do not claim ownership/copyright of material/media used in the app. We acknowledge that the respective copyright owners of the contents own the rights. If you own the right to any content in the app, please write to us at stalwartsofttech@gmail.com with the copyright details of the original source, and the stated content will be removed immediately. No infringement intended.
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