I will tell my love story that starts from the bookstore in my city. I hope he won't leave me forever. I love her so much. Even though I'm just a brat. But I didn't expect God to unite us through matchmaking. My story starts here.
Author: Lulu Listi Syarah
FB: Lululistisarah
Twitter: lululistisyarah
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I will tell my love story that starts from the bookstore in my city. I hope he won't leave me forever. I love her so much. Even though I'm just a brat. But I didn't expect God to unite us through matchmaking. My story starts here.
Author: Lulu Listi Syarah
FB: Lululistisarah
Twitter: lululistisyarah
RATE from you is expected to be an encouragement to produce the next work :)
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- A nice layout to read
- Sharing features
Novels in this application are official from starcoklat as uploaders and spreaders directly from Novel Authors. Taking, reproducing or changing the contents of this novel content is prohibited without our permission.
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