Doubble helps you stay ahead of the market and enjoy up to 60% returns on your Naira and Dollar investments. So join thousands of people who are creating wealth with Doubble on their journey to financial freedom.
What’s new on Doubble?
• More offerings
You can now enjoy new money market instruments which puts the power to earn more in your hands.
• Mobile wallets
New and existing users on Doubble now have access to mobile wallets, with this you can pay bills and transfer money to other wallet holders as well account holders in any bank.
• Improved security
Two factor authentication now enabled, which means that your money is safer on Doubble and you have nothing to worry about.
• Investment certificates
Investment certificates are now available on Doubble, this way you can keep track of all your investments and they also come in handy for when you need proof of assets.
• User friendly interface
The new Doubble app was designed with you in mind, it is simple to use and easy to navigate.
What’s new on Doubble?
• More offerings
You can now enjoy new money market instruments which puts the power to earn more in your hands.
• Mobile wallets
New and existing users on Doubble now have access to mobile wallets, with this you can pay bills and transfer money to other wallet holders as well account holders in any bank.
• Improved security
Two factor authentication now enabled, which means that your money is safer on Doubble and you have nothing to worry about.
• Investment certificates
Investment certificates are now available on Doubble, this way you can keep track of all your investments and they also come in handy for when you need proof of assets.
• User friendly interface
The new Doubble app was designed with you in mind, it is simple to use and easy to navigate.
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