Are you a commuter ? You want to know if your trains (Trenitalia only) are on-time at your departing station ?
This widget checks your preferred train no. at the time set by you.
In case of a delay you'll receive a notification, this will allow you to avoid tens of wasted minutes waiting at the platform and gives you the opportunity to start your journey from home or office at the right time.
Moreover "Widget Trenitalia Delay" allows you to post the delay to your facebook account, informing in this way also your commuter buddies.
Requires an working network connection.
This application is not affiliated with Trenitalia which is the official owner of the trademark.
This widget checks your preferred train no. at the time set by you.
In case of a delay you'll receive a notification, this will allow you to avoid tens of wasted minutes waiting at the platform and gives you the opportunity to start your journey from home or office at the right time.
Moreover "Widget Trenitalia Delay" allows you to post the delay to your facebook account, informing in this way also your commuter buddies.
Requires an working network connection.
This application is not affiliated with Trenitalia which is the official owner of the trademark.
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