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Tree Scale Cruise

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About Tree Scale Cruise

• Tree Scale Cruise is an application that is used to aid in the estimation of timber volume and value by collecting and crunching common cruise data.
• TSC supports fixed plot, variable plot and 100% tally cruises.
• Nothing too fancy here--No acreage calculations, no multi-product within one tree, no top wood, no crown closure etc.
• Very little set up is required. Cruiser enters tract name, cruise type, sample size, tract size and then you can go.
• The user can tweak default species values including: species name (15 different species), log rule (Doyle or International), form class and weight model for pulpwood.
• User can also enter stumpage values by species for saw timber and pulpwood.
• Cruiser can crunch on the fly and view current plot/point volume and value and look at running totals and statistics.
• Reports are generated that can be viewed in the field, sent as an email, or saved as a text file that can be opened in WordPad.
• Reports include: Tract Report, Per/Ac Summary, Pts/Stats and Stock and Stand Table.

Tree Scale Cruise Screenshots