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Qr code reader-barcode scanner

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About Qr code reader-barcode scanner

The best QR code reader & barcode scanner app

βœ”οΈ πŸ’―that is free,
βœ”οΈ easy, fast, and lightweight

The main feature of the QR code scanner and barcode scanner is the ability to scan and read all the most popular qr codes and barcodes in a very short timeframe.

Our QR code reader, QR code scanner, barcode scanner application is designed by experts, giving you a great experience with ease of use.

You can use QR code and barcode scanners to trace products and check their information to reduce the possibility of buying poor quality products.

Barcode scanner, QR code reader app does not require special permissions, collects no personal information, does not access location, contact list or anything else, guaranteed 100 % privacy

QR code scanners and barcode scanners

βœ“ can scan and read any type of QR or barcode, including: contact information, phone, email, website, product, text, sms, wifi, map location, event calendar and more... scan images from your device's photo gallery or scan images directly from content.

βœ“ scan images from your device's photo gallery or scan images in conten

βœ“ 'scan images from your device's photo album or content in any app.

βœ“ You will be presented with options to take appropriate action after scanning and auto-decoding. If the result is a phone number, you can add it to your phone contacts, if the result is a wifi network, you can connect without entering a password. Scan QR codes and barcodes anywhere to

βœ“ scan qr codes and barcodes anywhere and

βœ“ instantly get information.

βœ“ reliable, qr reader, scan qr code,free barcode scanner

βœ“ View all scanned qr codes and barcodes with the qr code reader and barcode scanner. Besides providing a clear overview of the history, you can also add notes to the results and export them to a .txt or .csv file.

βœ“ This free QR code generator feature generates many different types of QR codes, including: website url, text, contact, phone number, SMS, WiFi...

An Android QR code scanner is a necessary tool in order to scan barcodes and qr codes on your Android device.
QR code readers are very small and lightweight and require very little storage space. You can get the free version here.

Qr code reader-barcode scanner Screenshots