Principles of accounting app is simple offline guide for the students who are learning accounting and commerce subject in their study and also for all students of mba, bba and computer science and business finance students and
for every one.
Mostly for school, college and university students.
This educational app has the following learning topics:
* Introduction to Accounting
* Bookkeeping
* Accounting information system
* Controller
* Managerial Accounting
* GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
* Accounting Equation
* Assets
* Liability
* Equity
* Financial Statements
* Balance Sheet
* Financial Statements
* Income Statement
* Sales Budget
* Analyzing Financial Statements
* Concepts of Accounts
* Business Entity
* Money Measurement
* Cost Concept
* Revenue Recognition
* Materiality and many more topics.
for every one.
Mostly for school, college and university students.
This educational app has the following learning topics:
* Introduction to Accounting
* Bookkeeping
* Accounting information system
* Controller
* Managerial Accounting
* GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
* Accounting Equation
* Assets
* Liability
* Equity
* Financial Statements
* Balance Sheet
* Financial Statements
* Income Statement
* Sales Budget
* Analyzing Financial Statements
* Concepts of Accounts
* Business Entity
* Money Measurement
* Cost Concept
* Revenue Recognition
* Materiality and many more topics.
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