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A beautiful quiz app to help you prepare for Journeyman Carpenter Exam. Simple and intuitive user interface. Quick and portable, on the go studying. No need for those heavy books or bulky note cards. No internet connection required.
There are two main divisions of training: construction-carpentry and cabinetmaking. During pre-apprenticeship, trainees in each of these divisions spend 30 hours a week for 12 weeks in classrooms and indoor workshops learning mathematics, trade terminology, and skill in the use of hand and power tools. Construction-carpentry trainees also participate in calisthenics to prepare for the physical aspect of the work.
Upon completion of pre-apprenticeship, trainees who have successfully passed the graded curriculum (taught by highly experienced journeyman carpenters) are assigned to a local union and to union carpentry crews at work on construction sites or in cabinet shops as First Year Apprentices. Over the next four years, as they progress in status to Second Year, Third Year, and Fourth Year Apprentice, apprentices periodically return to the training facility every three months for a week of more detailed training in specific aspects of the trade.
Upon graduation from the apprenticeship, he or she is known as a journeyman carpenter.
Note: Questions are scrollable. Please let us know if there is an issue. We are always constantly updating the questions.
This application is just an excellent tool for self-study and exam preparation. It's not affiliated with or endorsed by any testing organization, certificate, test name or trademark.
A beautiful quiz app to help you prepare for Journeyman Carpenter Exam. Simple and intuitive user interface. Quick and portable, on the go studying. No need for those heavy books or bulky note cards. No internet connection required.
There are two main divisions of training: construction-carpentry and cabinetmaking. During pre-apprenticeship, trainees in each of these divisions spend 30 hours a week for 12 weeks in classrooms and indoor workshops learning mathematics, trade terminology, and skill in the use of hand and power tools. Construction-carpentry trainees also participate in calisthenics to prepare for the physical aspect of the work.
Upon completion of pre-apprenticeship, trainees who have successfully passed the graded curriculum (taught by highly experienced journeyman carpenters) are assigned to a local union and to union carpentry crews at work on construction sites or in cabinet shops as First Year Apprentices. Over the next four years, as they progress in status to Second Year, Third Year, and Fourth Year Apprentice, apprentices periodically return to the training facility every three months for a week of more detailed training in specific aspects of the trade.
Upon graduation from the apprenticeship, he or she is known as a journeyman carpenter.
Note: Questions are scrollable. Please let us know if there is an issue. We are always constantly updating the questions.
This application is just an excellent tool for self-study and exam preparation. It's not affiliated with or endorsed by any testing organization, certificate, test name or trademark.
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