Stock Tracker has been designed to track your stock holdings smartly. This application helps you to track your stock portfolio effectively. You can calculate remaining no of shares and effective average price per share.
Stock Tracker has been designed to address a real time problem with most of the trading service provider. What they do, they calculate their equity portfolio on FCFS basis. e.g. System marks the first bought stock as sold first so it ends up in an inaccurate portfolio.
Example -
If you have made the following transactions for a stock XYZ.
Leg Quantity Share Price Date
Buy 1000 10 1-June
Buy 1000 6 1-July
Sell 1000 8 15-July
With the last Sell transaction, your first Buy transaction will be squared off and you will be in loss, but you may like to square off the second one and may like to be in profit instead. This application facilitates you to track the stocks in an effective manner.
1- User can add a stock code
2- User can add stock trades
3- User can edit and delete the stock trades
4- User can calculate remaining no. of shares
5- User can calculate effective average price per share
Stock Tracker has been designed to address a real time problem with most of the trading service provider. What they do, they calculate their equity portfolio on FCFS basis. e.g. System marks the first bought stock as sold first so it ends up in an inaccurate portfolio.
Example -
If you have made the following transactions for a stock XYZ.
Leg Quantity Share Price Date
Buy 1000 10 1-June
Buy 1000 6 1-July
Sell 1000 8 15-July
With the last Sell transaction, your first Buy transaction will be squared off and you will be in loss, but you may like to square off the second one and may like to be in profit instead. This application facilitates you to track the stocks in an effective manner.
1- User can add a stock code
2- User can add stock trades
3- User can edit and delete the stock trades
4- User can calculate remaining no. of shares
5- User can calculate effective average price per share
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