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Styckie Vendor

4.5 out of 5
500+ downloads

About Styckie Vendor

Styckie Vendor brings you nearby customers that are looking for event services. This can be a photographer, DJ, wedding planner, or even a makeup artist. Our goal is to help grow your business by introducing you to nearby customers looking for services you may provide.

The process is really easy. Nearby customers request an event service they need and fill out details. We send you details of these requests for free. These details will allow you to figure out whether this is a service you can provide or not. If you can provide the service, send a quote and personalized message to the customer. We instantly connect you into a chat session with the customer to begin discussing and finalizing details for the service.

Our app allows you to upload custom photos or videos of your work as well. You can also use our custom built camera to snap photos and videos on the go. Show off your work, reviews, and grow your business rapidly using Styckie Vendor.

Our mission is to help businesses grow by finding the right match for services you can provide. You can focus on providing the best event service you can, while we do the work of finding and introducing you to nearby customers.

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