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Vertical App

Subsplash Inc
4.7 out of 5
1,000+ downloads

About Vertical App

The Vertical App brings dynamic content from Vertical Church to your mobile device. Using the Vertical App, you can listen to messages, view videos and photos, connect to online giving, view our social network feeds, read our blogs, and more. The Vertical App serves to further expand the reach of Vertical Church, as we seek to lead people to be passionate about Jesus so that they might lead others to Jesus.

After you've downloaded and enjoyed the content within our app, you can share it with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, or email.

Note: WiFi internet is required for touch access.

The vision of Vertical Church is to be a place where people who don't like church can meet God.

For more information about Vertical Church, please visit

The Vertical Church App was created with The Church App by Subsplash.

Vertical App Screenshots