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Quinielas Argentinas

Superlógico Studio
4.0 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About Quinielas Argentinas

- Quinielas Argentinas allows you to know the latest results of the most popular games of chance in Argentina and also keep track of your plays.

- From a simple interface, designed to be simple to understand, light and fast to avoid consuming resources, it was developed in native android.

- You can see the results of:

* Quini 6
* Lotus
* TeleKino
* Monobingo
* Jump
* Quinielas (Nacional, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Santa Fe, Córdoba, Mendoza, Entre Ríos, Tucumán, Santiago del Estero, Neuquén, Misiones, Corrientes, San Luis, San Juan, Salta, Chaco, Formosa and La Rioja, Catamarca, Chubut and Jujuy)
* Heads of all pools
* Quiniela Plus
* Poceada pool
* Lotus 5
* Totobingo

- In addition, you can control your plays in the following games:

* Quini 6
* Lotus
* Telekino
* Megaball
* Jump
* Quiniela Plus
* Poceada pool
* Lotus 5
* Keno Buenos Aires Club

It also includes features such as:

- Add my games to a Favorites list
- Dream Almanac
- Days and schedules of all draws

- Through a simple feedback form included in the application we want you to tell us what games you would like us to add, what changes or modifications you would like and any errors you find and want to report to us.

Quinielas Argentinas Screenshots