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About SurfDoseAlert

Move now to NOTIWIND, the *new* surfers' alarm clock: it works with most modern devices, no need for app to be always on, less battery consumption... available now on Play Store

The Windsurfers/Kitesurfers Alarm Clock

Are you a Windsurfer of Kiter?

Do you wake up at 5am to check if wind is up in Valmadrera and your wife/girlfriend or husband/boyfriend is upset because also today you've woken her up for nothing?
Or you just want to check the wind in Valma or Riva del Garda or any of the other available spots?

SurfDoseAlert is for you!

Setup the alarm clock time range, set minimal wind speed and start it!

Alarm clock will ring only if chosen conditions are found!

WARNING! For app to work properly:
Keep the device IN CHARGE and DISABLE Energy Saving:
Settings > Battery > App power saving > Detail > SurfDoseAlert > App power saving > Turned off
Ensure SurfDoseAlert is listed in "Protected App":
Settings > Protected App > SurfDoseAlert > Protected
-Other ANDROID >=6 (Marshmallow, Nougat, following):
Keep the device IN CHARGE and DISABLE battery optimisation:
Battery > Overflow > Battery optimization > All App > SurfDoseAlert > Don't optimize
-Accept "Background Geolocation" request

-NOTE: Despite all actions, on Android 5 (Lollypop) and following, the App could start delayed by 10/15 minutes. Keep it in mind.

Available spots:
LAGO DI COMO: Valmadrera, Lecco, Cremia, Dongo, Dervio, Abbadia Lariana, Mandello
LAGO DI GARDA: Pra, Pier/Riva del Garda, Malcesine, Torbole
LAGO MAGGIORE: Tronzano, Maccagno
LAZIO: Castel Gandolfo
LIGURIA: Albissola
PUGLIA: Siponto (Manfredonia), Vieste

SPAIN: Pozo Izquierdo
SWISS: Silvaplana

Do you want your meteo station to be available in SurfDoseAlert?
Let us know!

Available in English, Italian, Czech, French, German, Spanish and in various speed units (mph, knots, m/s, km/h)

“Advanced Options” (enabled by registering for free to, the Windsurf Statistics and Report Website):
- Social function: tell your friends you are going to surf and check who you will find on the spot
- View eventual webcam spot picture
- Choice of different waking up methods (vibration, music, sound, voice)
- Possibility to enable/disable the “Smart Pause” (Alarm paused if device if face down)
- Option to skip Alarm in case of Rain (if rain data available)

- SurfDoseAlert works only if device is ON, volume is adequate, DATA CONNECTIVITY is on and the App is
- Charge level and energy saving options can affect the alarm clock effective start time e check frequency up to 10/15 minutes. Setup accordingly.
- On some platforms the App must be also unlocked and not on sleep. Please test in advance your configuration.

- On compatible devices, SurfDoseAlert can be paused by putting the device face down: the alarm clock will not ring (Advcanced Options only).
- SurfDoseAlert has 'Advanced Options' available by registering for FREE to SurfDose, the website for Windsurf Reports and Statistics (
Once registered, you can enable the advanced options by entering the same Username and Password.
- SurfDoseAlert use DATA CONNECTIVITY to retrieve weather data. Consider it to avoid unforeseen costs with your mobile plan.
- "Cam" option increases DATA usage. Consider it to avoid unforeseen costs with your mobile plan.
- SurfDoseAlert might send to the developers some data useful to improve the application (like wind speed setup or time range).
- Maximum attention has been put in developing this application. Anyway no guarantee, implicit or explicit, is provided about the performance or the access to weather data in future.

Contact us if you want your weather station to be available in SurfDoseAlert.


SurfDoseAlert Screenshots