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Disable Faulty Headset Jack

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About Disable Faulty Headset Jack

Having an issue with a faulty headphone jack? Does the phone get stuck on headphones connected? Headphone symbol on phone won't go away? Want to enable speaker sound? Want to force your audio output to switch to headphones and speakers when stuck? Always shows headphones symbols without connecting it? Do you have an issue with your headphones?

If this issue occurs in your device, then we bring the solution for you. Install Switch Speaker & Earphone- Disable Faulty Headset app and app will help you to enable speaker while faulty headphone jack.

Some mobile devices show headsets or headphones plugged in, but are unable to connect an earphone to the device. Enable speaker is the solution to these issues. This app Set Voice output to Headset or Set Voice output to Speaker when having an issue regarding the earphone jack. With the Fix Earphone Jack app, you can Audio Switch between speaker and headset.

The app helps you to remove the headphone symbol from the Phone Status bar. Switch Speaker & Earphone- Disable Faulty Headset app is simple and easy to use.

📢 How to use this app?

1. Enable the service.
2. click on speaker when no sound on speaker while Earphone jack stuck or use a Bluetooth device.

📢 Setting

- You can disable notification sound.
- You can enable autostart after restarting the device.

🎧 Features:

- Switch output to Speaker Button
- Switch output to Headset Button
- Easy access to enable/disable from notifications
- Useful for Faulty headset jack or easy toggle
- Enable Speaker While Faulty headphone jack
- Helps to remove headphone symbol from Phone Status bar

Download Disable Faulty Headset Jack app and play all sound through the device speaker.

Disable Faulty Headset Jack Screenshots