Please read the web site for details, then send email with suggestions/feedback.
If you buy (and keep) at this price, you will NOT have to pay again on release.
This is an engine test, no monsters/quests to speak of. I am interested in performance/issues with various phones.
The ultimate goal of this project is to become a 3D story telling game, where players easily add to the story. I am experimenting with the scripting aspect of that in my game synSpace: Drone Runners. My intention is to then port that work back here, so similar scripting will control the map designs.
Please read the web site for details, then send email with suggestions/feedback.
If you buy (and keep) at this price, you will NOT have to pay again on release.
This is an engine test, no monsters/quests to speak of. I am interested in performance/issues with various phones.
The ultimate goal of this project is to become a 3D story telling game, where players easily add to the story. I am experimenting with the scripting aspect of that in my game synSpace: Drone Runners. My intention is to then port that work back here, so similar scripting will control the map designs.
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