This application
- is free, does not contain any ads
- uses only 1 permission, this is the use of fingerprint
- does not have the ability to go online or search your files, listen what you say and take pictures secretly
- does not make income for me
- only does its promoted job, nothing else
- does not collect any data, it sends nothing back to me.
If you are a person who frequently gives 1 star and hate everything, please do not install. I am giving something for free, I don't want poor reviews in return.
Password Creator targets the use of unique passwords. What does it mean? We frequently share passwords among different websites/systems, which is a bad practice. You should not do this.
So this app is a password generator basically, but it does not generate random passwords. Instead, it requires you to provide some data like where you want to use it and your only password you want to remember. All the input you make goes through a hash generation process, which results a generated password. If the input remains the same, the output will not change.
It has the ability to store the input data, this happens encrypted, it can also protect itself by an authentication process set up in the first launch. Self defense and data save can be turned off, it's your choice.
Privacy policy? I don't collect data. I don't care about you.
As being a free service, I am not responsible for having lost your phone, stolen your credit card information, injured in a termonuclear war etc. Please keep this in mind. I am not your enemy, I won't do anything against you, others might do.
This application
- is free, does not contain any ads
- uses only 1 permission, this is the use of fingerprint
- does not have the ability to go online or search your files, listen what you say and take pictures secretly
- does not make income for me
- only does its promoted job, nothing else
- does not collect any data, it sends nothing back to me.
If you are a person who frequently gives 1 star and hate everything, please do not install. I am giving something for free, I don't want poor reviews in return.
Password Creator targets the use of unique passwords. What does it mean? We frequently share passwords among different websites/systems, which is a bad practice. You should not do this.
So this app is a password generator basically, but it does not generate random passwords. Instead, it requires you to provide some data like where you want to use it and your only password you want to remember. All the input you make goes through a hash generation process, which results a generated password. If the input remains the same, the output will not change.
It has the ability to store the input data, this happens encrypted, it can also protect itself by an authentication process set up in the first launch. Self defense and data save can be turned off, it's your choice.
Privacy policy? I don't collect data. I don't care about you.
As being a free service, I am not responsible for having lost your phone, stolen your credit card information, injured in a termonuclear war etc. Please keep this in mind. I am not your enemy, I won't do anything against you, others might do.
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