This application is the "Audio Book" version of Jaawartou immeasurable work of Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Khadimou RASSOUL the founder of Mouridya.
It includes pure Arabic text, the French and English translation (depending on the configuration of your smartphone or tablet), transcription and declamation of the latter by followers of Sheikh.
Commonly called passport to paradise, Serigne Touba name confirmed by the request of a disciple Moorish scholar who held his classmates without having confirmation Jaawartu is written by the Saint Sheikh containing immeasurable benefits xacyda.
It includes pure Arabic text, the French and English translation (depending on the configuration of your smartphone or tablet), transcription and declamation of the latter by followers of Sheikh.
Commonly called passport to paradise, Serigne Touba name confirmed by the request of a disciple Moorish scholar who held his classmates without having confirmation Jaawartu is written by the Saint Sheikh containing immeasurable benefits xacyda.
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