Ayat e Shifa application contains six verses from Quran.
These six honorable verses are from the glorious Quran, in them is a great experienced secret. They are a cure for every patient who Allah has prescribed life for. They give benefit in the cure from physical illnesses in the body, mental illnesses such as whispers and the diseases of the heart. They aid upon the cure with the permission of Allah and lighten the pain. They give physical and non physical benefit. Its pure cure from Quran. Ayat e Shifa is famous quranic verses for cure from all kind of diseases.
There are six verses in the Qur`an which possess the root word either the verb or noun, which has not come in other than these verses. Indeed intention (to prescribe) with these verses is narrated from the Salaf as-Saliheen. Ibn `Abbas radhi Allahu `anhuma would repeat the following verse when ill ‘we reveal from the Qur`an that which is a cure and mercy for the universe. Its cure diseases from quranic verses.
Read Ayat e Shifa daily for cure of different diseases.
(Masnoon dua/ Quarni dua)
These six honorable verses are from the glorious Quran, in them is a great experienced secret. They are a cure for every patient who Allah has prescribed life for. They give benefit in the cure from physical illnesses in the body, mental illnesses such as whispers and the diseases of the heart. They aid upon the cure with the permission of Allah and lighten the pain. They give physical and non physical benefit. Its pure cure from Quran. Ayat e Shifa is famous quranic verses for cure from all kind of diseases.
There are six verses in the Qur`an which possess the root word either the verb or noun, which has not come in other than these verses. Indeed intention (to prescribe) with these verses is narrated from the Salaf as-Saliheen. Ibn `Abbas radhi Allahu `anhuma would repeat the following verse when ill ‘we reveal from the Qur`an that which is a cure and mercy for the universe. Its cure diseases from quranic verses.
Read Ayat e Shifa daily for cure of different diseases.
(Masnoon dua/ Quarni dua)
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