Get the Tamil English Audio Bible at your finger tips. Listen Bible verses wherever and whenever, Get access to the finest listening experience for the Bible and This is the free Bible App available on your Android device, with internet connection. Finding a verse is fast. you get access to additional resources and tools, such as favorite, English version, Share verses to social media.
With the Audio Bible Tamil and English App, you can:
- Simple Navigation UI makes it easy to listen, read, study, and understand the Bible.
- Quickly and easily search the Bible for a book and chapter.
- Take personal notes, highlight Bible text, and bookmark your favorite verses.
- Share Bible verses with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter.
- Read two different Bible translations, including the English and Tamil
- Retain last reading chapter when you login next time
Audio Bible Tamil and English App is committed to making the Bible available to everyone. To begin exploring and understanding the Bible yourself, install the free App
sincere thanks to (Bible Audio source) and (Poster design)
With the Audio Bible Tamil and English App, you can:
- Simple Navigation UI makes it easy to listen, read, study, and understand the Bible.
- Quickly and easily search the Bible for a book and chapter.
- Take personal notes, highlight Bible text, and bookmark your favorite verses.
- Share Bible verses with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter.
- Read two different Bible translations, including the English and Tamil
- Retain last reading chapter when you login next time
Audio Bible Tamil and English App is committed to making the Bible available to everyone. To begin exploring and understanding the Bible yourself, install the free App
sincere thanks to (Bible Audio source) and (Poster design)
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