DailyWinr: Win Gift Cards icon

DailyWinr: Win Gift Cards

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About DailyWinr: Win Gift Cards

Welcome to DailyWinr! Play and win daily, scratch, spin, and win!

Enjoy hours of fun playing this neumorphic design scratch cards, Spin the Wheel, and more…

* Win every day!
* Try your luck in our contests with your golden tickets
* Get daily bonus tokens

- Win Real Prizes -
Use your golden tickets to enter a variety of contests for a chance to win real prizes!

- Scratch Cards -
Play fun scratch card games to win tokens and golden tickets.

- Spin the Wheel -
Play Spin the Wheel for a guaranteed win with every play!

- Refer your Friends -
Refer your friends to DailyWinr with your referral code to get free tokens!

Internet connection required to play.
No purchase required. Free to play.

DailyWinr: Win Gift Cards Screenshots

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