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Z Grills Aus

intelligent grills
100+ downloads

About Z Grills Aus

Monitor and control your Z Grills Wireless enabled Pellet Smoker and Food Temperature Probes with ease while at home and out an about!


• Precise temperature control: Adjust the grill temperature in 1℃/1℉ increments.
• Set trigger-actions: Take control of your cook by completing actions based on countdown timers or food probe temperatures. Actions include sending a notification, changing the grill temperature, keeping the grill warm or shutting the grill down.
• Cold smoke fan: Operate the fan only from 50% to 100% speed for cold smoking.
• Record temperature graph: Record a cook with clear temperature graph and summary of cook length, temperature and pellet usage.
• Connect accessories: Display temperatures from compatible wireless food probes and even monitor wood pellet level and usage with a wireless pellet gauge.

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