This app aims to measure the accessibility gap, which prevents persons with disabilities from having equal access to public transport
If you are a person with disability, please, download this app, answer to the questions and share anonymously your insight and experience about the quality of your journey with public transport in your city. By doing so, you will contribute to the calculation and representation of your journey experience and to the improvement of the accessibility of your city!
This app allows you to express your opinion In anonymous way on the quality of transport services. The information requested are anonymous and therefore the EU Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data No. 679/2016 does not apply to such information. We ask you not to enter any personal data or images in which people are recognizable. Any non-compliant data will be deleted immediately and not processed;
Other information:
This app is created within the european TRIPS project - - with the support of disabled people, for people with disabilities.
This project has received funding from the european union’s horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 875588
If you are a person with disability, please, download this app, answer to the questions and share anonymously your insight and experience about the quality of your journey with public transport in your city. By doing so, you will contribute to the calculation and representation of your journey experience and to the improvement of the accessibility of your city!
This app allows you to express your opinion In anonymous way on the quality of transport services. The information requested are anonymous and therefore the EU Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data No. 679/2016 does not apply to such information. We ask you not to enter any personal data or images in which people are recognizable. Any non-compliant data will be deleted immediately and not processed;
Other information:
This app is created within the european TRIPS project - - with the support of disabled people, for people with disabilities.
This project has received funding from the european union’s horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 875588
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