The Dairy Cattle is Cow & Buffalo Farm Management app for farmer to manage their farms. Dairy Cattle farming involves keeping Cow & Buffalo for meat or milk purposes. You can easily plan, monitor and analyze all the activities in your farm with just a few clicks. This app is designed to help make your farm is safer, more productive and sustainable.
You can easily enter your Cow & Buffalo information, their tag id numbers, birth dates, parent information, reproduction and health of animals in one place.
Dairy Cattle farming involves keeping Cow & Buffalo for meat or milk purposes. Easy to keep a record of Dairy.
Dairy Cattle provide an option to not only add employee but also you can give full or limited access to your employee for update records. This functions helps you to delegate the work to your employee or small team.
DairyCattle App has following great features :
• Barcode Scan – Barcode based Tag ID and barcode based location of your farm (Area or section) or compartment of animal house are mapped to scan using your mobile. This barcode scanning features helps you to retrieve information of animal within seconds.
• Photos – Upload, replace or delete photo of Animal at any stage.
• Identification – Tag ID is unique key is used to capture information about each animal. Identification section allows to store information about animal based on born at farm, purchased outside, gender, color, batch and location / section or compartment of animal house.
• Status – Allows to change status from live to sold or dead.
• Female animal progress – App helps to report female animal progress based on age, mating status, pregnancy status, kids delivery date and propose next pregnancy schedule.
• Mating – App allows to capture mating methods and detail information about mating.
• Breeding (Kids Delivery) – Allows to link kids information with mother Tag ID and track breeding detail of each kids born.
• Vaccination – Apps provides history of all vaccination given to animal and notify when next vaccine is due.
• Mass event – Allow to mass update measurement, vaccination, mating, breeding and location.
• Financial – Allows recording income, expenses and providing summery of farm’s financial overview and upload, replace or delete photo of expenses bills at any stage.
• Reports - Various reports on status of animals on their breed type, genders, status, kids, pregnancy situation, kids tracking, farm’s overview and sales report.
• Print Sales Tag – Apps gives option to print sales Tag with price or without price when Farmer ready to sell in mass quantity in market. Sales Tag ID can be hang around neck of animal which shows information about Animal including price.
• Replace Tag Id - Allows to replace tag id from existing tag id to new tag id.
• Milk Record - Milking Record to cover about the days in milk in all shift like morning, afternoon & evening for every cow and group.
You can easily enter your Cow & Buffalo information, their tag id numbers, birth dates, parent information, reproduction and health of animals in one place.
Dairy Cattle farming involves keeping Cow & Buffalo for meat or milk purposes. Easy to keep a record of Dairy.
Dairy Cattle provide an option to not only add employee but also you can give full or limited access to your employee for update records. This functions helps you to delegate the work to your employee or small team.
DairyCattle App has following great features :
• Barcode Scan – Barcode based Tag ID and barcode based location of your farm (Area or section) or compartment of animal house are mapped to scan using your mobile. This barcode scanning features helps you to retrieve information of animal within seconds.
• Photos – Upload, replace or delete photo of Animal at any stage.
• Identification – Tag ID is unique key is used to capture information about each animal. Identification section allows to store information about animal based on born at farm, purchased outside, gender, color, batch and location / section or compartment of animal house.
• Status – Allows to change status from live to sold or dead.
• Female animal progress – App helps to report female animal progress based on age, mating status, pregnancy status, kids delivery date and propose next pregnancy schedule.
• Mating – App allows to capture mating methods and detail information about mating.
• Breeding (Kids Delivery) – Allows to link kids information with mother Tag ID and track breeding detail of each kids born.
• Vaccination – Apps provides history of all vaccination given to animal and notify when next vaccine is due.
• Mass event – Allow to mass update measurement, vaccination, mating, breeding and location.
• Financial – Allows recording income, expenses and providing summery of farm’s financial overview and upload, replace or delete photo of expenses bills at any stage.
• Reports - Various reports on status of animals on their breed type, genders, status, kids, pregnancy situation, kids tracking, farm’s overview and sales report.
• Print Sales Tag – Apps gives option to print sales Tag with price or without price when Farmer ready to sell in mass quantity in market. Sales Tag ID can be hang around neck of animal which shows information about Animal including price.
• Replace Tag Id - Allows to replace tag id from existing tag id to new tag id.
• Milk Record - Milking Record to cover about the days in milk in all shift like morning, afternoon & evening for every cow and group.
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