NTS MCQs prepartion app is the best app on playstore for NTS test preparation 2018. It provides NTS free offline MCQs. NTS(National Testing Service) exams test contains NTS questions and answers from all major subjects. 3000+ mcqs for nts test preparation. Now need to purchase nts preparation books .This app is also helpful for NTS AJK, NTS entry test,ots, bts, pts, wapda discos and educators pedagogy.
NTS mcqs App covers NTS Exam Types
- NTS NAT(National Aptitude Test)-I
- NTS GAT Subject
NTS MCQs Categories
Pak Current Affairs
General Knowledge 2018
World General Knowledge 2018
Islamiyat (Islamic Studies)
Current Affairs 2018
Pak Studies
Everyday Science
What personal information do we collect from the people that visit our app?
We don't collect any kind of information for this app.
NTS mcqs App covers NTS Exam Types
- NTS NAT(National Aptitude Test)-I
- NTS GAT Subject
NTS MCQs Categories
Pak Current Affairs
General Knowledge 2018
World General Knowledge 2018
Islamiyat (Islamic Studies)
Current Affairs 2018
Pak Studies
Everyday Science
What personal information do we collect from the people that visit our app?
We don't collect any kind of information for this app.
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