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Tekk Innovations LLC
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About LawStack

Download CFR, USC, and State Statutes and Rules, to your phone.

LawStack has hundreds of modules. Free examples include:

- US Constitution

- Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

- Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure

- Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure

- Federal Rules of Evidence

- Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure

- Code of Federal Regulations (older version)

- United States Code (older versions)

Looking for more? Go pro and subscribe to a pro in-app module. Examples:

- Code of Federal Regulations (latest versions)

- United States Code (latest versions)

- California Codes

- Florida Codes

- Texas Codes

- Delaware Codes

- New York Codes

- Many more...

Can't find what you're looking for? Make a request. Then download more legal titles in the future versions of LawStack. We'll try to add the most requested titles first.

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