Telugu calendar app provides the details about telugu panchangam with auspicious day details. Telugu calendar 2023 for telugu speaking people across the world.
Telugu Calendar 2023 panchangam app gives all the information about Telugu panchangam 2023 and provides the complete details like masamu, tidhi, nakshatram, rasi phalalu (daily rasi phalalu, weekly rasi phalalu, monthly rasi phalalu, yearly rasi phalalu), marriage muhurthaalu, pooja holidays, govt holidays in Telugu language.
Important details in telugu calendar panchangam 2023 app :
Telugu maasam Rutuvu (telugu season name), masam (telugu month name)
Vaaram (telugu week name)
Fasting days in Telugu
Horoscope (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly)
Varjyam time
Yama Gandam
Paksham (fortnight)
Sooryodayam (sunrise)
Sooryaasthamam (sunset)
This Telugu Calendar 2023 Telugu Panchangam 2023 app providing the Panchangam and Festival details for the year 2023.
This Telugu calendar is available on offline and can be accessed anytime without connected to the internet.
In this telugupanchangam 2023 app provided start and end time for Pournami, Amavasya and Ekadasi for telugu calendar 2023.
This 2023 telugu Hindu calendar app contains the details about Hindu festivals and gives all the important fasting details in 2023 telugu calendar and 2023 telugu calendar.
This telugu calendar 2023 app is highly useful for finding latest 2023 festivals and 2023 holidays.
Features of Telugu calendar 2023 panchangam App :
Day view of 2023 telugu calendar has the entire detailed for daily panchangam in telugu.
Month view of Telugu calendar has fasting days, Government holidays and festival days are highlighted.
Tidhi start and end time mention for this 2023 telugu panchangam calendar.
Nakshatram start and end time mention for this telugu 2023 panchangam.
Pradosham, Masasivarathri, Sankataharachaturthi, chaturthi, sashti dates are Added for 2023 telugu panchangam.
Detailed telugu panchangam 2023 added in this telugu calendar 2023.
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly Rashi Phalalu are available in this new telugu calendar app.
This telugu panchangam 2023 app is very useful for all the Telugu speaking people across Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and around the world.
Share this latest telugu panchangam app with your Relatives, Friends through social media.
In 2024 all the telugu calendar data will be update for upcoming days.
Thank you for downloading this latest Telugu calendar 2023 with Telugu panchangam 2023 App.
Telugu Calendar 2023 panchangam app gives all the information about Telugu panchangam 2023 and provides the complete details like masamu, tidhi, nakshatram, rasi phalalu (daily rasi phalalu, weekly rasi phalalu, monthly rasi phalalu, yearly rasi phalalu), marriage muhurthaalu, pooja holidays, govt holidays in Telugu language.
Important details in telugu calendar panchangam 2023 app :
Telugu maasam Rutuvu (telugu season name), masam (telugu month name)
Vaaram (telugu week name)
Fasting days in Telugu
Horoscope (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly)
Varjyam time
Yama Gandam
Paksham (fortnight)
Sooryodayam (sunrise)
Sooryaasthamam (sunset)
This Telugu Calendar 2023 Telugu Panchangam 2023 app providing the Panchangam and Festival details for the year 2023.
This Telugu calendar is available on offline and can be accessed anytime without connected to the internet.
In this telugupanchangam 2023 app provided start and end time for Pournami, Amavasya and Ekadasi for telugu calendar 2023.
This 2023 telugu Hindu calendar app contains the details about Hindu festivals and gives all the important fasting details in 2023 telugu calendar and 2023 telugu calendar.
This telugu calendar 2023 app is highly useful for finding latest 2023 festivals and 2023 holidays.
Features of Telugu calendar 2023 panchangam App :
Day view of 2023 telugu calendar has the entire detailed for daily panchangam in telugu.
Month view of Telugu calendar has fasting days, Government holidays and festival days are highlighted.
Tidhi start and end time mention for this 2023 telugu panchangam calendar.
Nakshatram start and end time mention for this telugu 2023 panchangam.
Pradosham, Masasivarathri, Sankataharachaturthi, chaturthi, sashti dates are Added for 2023 telugu panchangam.
Detailed telugu panchangam 2023 added in this telugu calendar 2023.
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly Rashi Phalalu are available in this new telugu calendar app.
This telugu panchangam 2023 app is very useful for all the Telugu speaking people across Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and around the world.
Share this latest telugu panchangam app with your Relatives, Friends through social media.
In 2024 all the telugu calendar data will be update for upcoming days.
Thank you for downloading this latest Telugu calendar 2023 with Telugu panchangam 2023 App.
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