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About tg-eyeVision

* You can easily edit and detect what the user wants to monitor.
(사용자가 모니터링 하고자 하는 것을 쉽게 편집 하고 감지 할 수 있습니다.)

ㅁ Used in homes/kindergarten.
(가정/어린이집 에서 사용)
- When you want to receive immediate alerts for infant/toddler risky behaviors.
(영유아 위험 행동을 바로 알림 받고 싶을때)
- When an infant remains motionless for an extended period of time while lying face down.
(영유아가 엎드린채로 장시간 움직이지 않을 때)
- When you want to know about abnormal behaviors of a solitary pet dog.
(혼자 있는 반려견의 이상 행동을 알고 싶을 때)

ㅁ Used by the police and other law enforcement agencies.
(경찰 등 에서 사용)

- When you want to detect specific scenes in a video.
(영상의 특정 장면을 검출 하고 싶을때)

ㅁ Used in unmanned convenience stores, cafes, and similar establishments.
(무인 편의점, 카페 등에서 사용)

- When you want to launder items that are prohibited from being washed in an unmanned laundromat.
(무인 세탁소에서 세탁을 금지 하고 있는 품목 세탁을 할때)

- When a dog defecates and does not clean up after itself in an unmanned pet store.
(무인 팻점에서 강아지가 응가하고 치우지 않고 갈때)

- When an ice cream is left on top without being picked up for an extended period of time in an unmanned ice cream shop.
(무인 아이스크림 점에서 아이스크림을 위에 놓고 장시간 있을때.)

ㅁ Used in industrial sites.
(산업 현장 에서 사용)
- When you want to receive notifications about hazards such as entrapment, collision, fire, and fall in industrial settings.
(끼임, 충돌, 화재, 추락 등 위해 요소에 대해 알림 받고 싶을때)

ㅁ Defect detection in good/defective products.
(양품/불량품 검출)
- When you want to detect the authenticity and quality defects of manufactured products.
(생산품의 진성, 가성 불량을 검출하고 싶을때)

It is used in various places.
(등 다양한 곳에서 사용 됩니다.)


* You can easily edit and detect what the user wants to monitor.
ㅁ Used in homes/kindergarten.
- When you want to receive immediate alerts for infant/toddler risky behaviors.
- When an infant remains motionless for an extended period of time while lying face down.
- When you want to know about abnormal behaviors of a solitary pet dog.
ㅁ Used in unmanned convenience stores, cafes, and similar establishments.
- When you want to launder items that are prohibited from being washed in an unmanned laundromat.
- When an ice cream is left on top without being picked up for an extended period of time in an unmanned ice cream shop.
ㅁ Used in industrial sites.
- When you want to receive notifications about hazards such as entrapment, collision, fire, and fall in industrial settings.
It is used in various places.