Plate Bending is an interactive Android live wallpaper(it can also be used as a standalone app) that calculates in real time the distribution of deflections and internal forces - stresses of a simply supported rectangular plate subjected to a concentrated load .The rectangular plate has the same dimensions as the screen window in which the app is being displayed and your finger represents the concentrated load. As you move your finger the distribution of deflections/forces changes and this creates beautiful and colorful 2D contour plots on your home screen!
1)12 unique result types
2)smooth contour plots with customizable colour range,saturation & brightness.
3)flat contour plots with customizable contour levels and 7 unique colour palettes!
Note:Plate bending is a live wallpaper and it is not suitable for any "real-life" engineering analysis where the dominant method on analysis is the Finite Element Method (F.E.M). Its main purpose is to enhance the visual experience of your home screen.
1)12 unique result types
2)smooth contour plots with customizable colour range,saturation & brightness.
3)flat contour plots with customizable contour levels and 7 unique colour palettes!
Note:Plate bending is a live wallpaper and it is not suitable for any "real-life" engineering analysis where the dominant method on analysis is the Finite Element Method (F.E.M). Its main purpose is to enhance the visual experience of your home screen.
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