This book presents the strategies to get rid of the money disease, that is, what you must do to find the solution to this problem, which ails our society. Money sickness is like an addiction (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or gambling), admitting that you are infected with the virus that causes the disease, is the first step in overcoming it, and when you acquire this
book, read through, and apply the principles presented in the book, you will take the right step to get rid of this disease. As we present in this book, fortunately this disease is curable, its cure is first of all by recognizing the disease in your financial life, and making an investment in your financial education. We are often looking for the financial solution trying to make more money, but we do not stop to realize how much we spend unnecessarily.
Suitable for everyone, without distinction, whether young, adults, as well as professionals from all areas of knowledge. This book is revealed as an antidote or vaccine to fight the money disease virus. It should be noted that this book, and other books on financial education, are just like the prescription that a doctor passes on to a patient, it is the patient's responsibility,
take the drugs prescribed by the doctor. Therefore, for this medication to be effective, it is not enough to just read the book and find it interesting, you need to put into practice the recommendations presented in this book, to get rid of this disease.
book, read through, and apply the principles presented in the book, you will take the right step to get rid of this disease. As we present in this book, fortunately this disease is curable, its cure is first of all by recognizing the disease in your financial life, and making an investment in your financial education. We are often looking for the financial solution trying to make more money, but we do not stop to realize how much we spend unnecessarily.
Suitable for everyone, without distinction, whether young, adults, as well as professionals from all areas of knowledge. This book is revealed as an antidote or vaccine to fight the money disease virus. It should be noted that this book, and other books on financial education, are just like the prescription that a doctor passes on to a patient, it is the patient's responsibility,
take the drugs prescribed by the doctor. Therefore, for this medication to be effective, it is not enough to just read the book and find it interesting, you need to put into practice the recommendations presented in this book, to get rid of this disease.
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