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About TFC

Our point behind creating TFC was to simplification the process of managing and operating eatery procedure of passing orders to partners and streamlining the whole procedure of ordering food in, from menu display to delivery of the ordered food. It furnishes our café accomplices with a stage to exhibit their administration and menu to their clients in a hurry and to give them the simplicity of dealing with their business to accomplish most extreme development. As you definitely know whether your administration isn't exhibited well all the difficult work behind it goes in vein, the equivalent applies to the restaurant business too. That is the place TFC proves to be useful, it fills in as a scaffold between our restaurant business partners and their clients.

Like all advanced applications TFC offers astonishing highlights dependent on system, plan, and improvement according to your need and resembles a cakewalk to oversee. The application encourages you to have a more grounded offer over your rivals and it tends to be worked flawlessly over iOS and Android. A portion of the interesting highlights of TFC include:
1. Location based view of the restaurant list
2. Real time order status tracking
3. Event Booking, Reservations at restaurants and checking availability
4. Customizing order as per customer taste and preferences
5. Search restaurant by menu item and category as well search menu item by restaurant

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