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Killer Splat 3D

The Game Boss
100+ downloads

About Killer Splat 3D

Its time to PAINT THE STREETS RED. Take hold of a MURDEROUS CUBE called KILLER KUBE and SPLAT unsuspecting dummies laid out through the levels!
Use the BLOOD you collect from the dummies to paint the level. Cover the entire level with Blood to complete it and UNLOCK more AMAZING levels!

Its never been so ODDLY SATISFYING to pain everything in BLOOD.

Swipe to move the Cube in the direction you want it to move!

Make sure the fill the entire level COMPLETELY, If you leave out even 1 square, you will be STUCK in the level FOREVER!

Complete it in MINIMUM number of Moves to get MORE STARS!

The VARIETY of DUMMIES will keep you hooked! Splat the BIGGER DUMMIES to get more BLOOD!

Will you able to balance THE MURDEROUS INTENT of a serial killer with the CALM CALCULATING mind of a PUZZLE MASTER? INSTALL NOW and test yourself!

Killer Splat 3D Screenshots