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The Star, Malaysiakini, Malaysia Today, Malaysian Insider, Free Malaysia Today, Malay Mail Online, Goal, New Straits Times, theSundaily, The Rakyat Post, Lowyat, Mobile88, Paul Tan, Borneo Post, myMetro, Berita Harian, Kosmo, Harakahdaily, OHBULAN!, Keadilan Daily, Kuala Lumpur Post, Malaysian Digest, Malaysia Chronicle, Astro Awani, Business Insider MY, Beautiful Nara, SAYS Malaysia, 光华电子新闻, ETtoday, TEEPR, 中時電子報, 谈谈新闻, 中國報,, BBC, Reuters, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, FOX News, New York Times, ABC News, Washington Post, Telegraph, The Independent, Mail Online, Wall Street Journal, CNET News, TechRadar, TechCrunch, Digg, GSM Arena, Tom's Hardware, WIRED, Business Insider, Forbes, The Guardian, The Economist

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