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the mimic escape rodox

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About the mimic escape rodox

Book 1 story follows a former high school student named Yasu who goes back to their old high school in search of their friends. The Witch Trials story follows a girl, which woke up into a forest. Eventually, the characters ventures into the depths of mysterious worlds. There are going to be approximately four books and extra "Gamemodes" like The Witch Trials and The Halloween Trials, each likely featuring at least four chapters and one beast to be the main antagonist, along with many others.

The game is locked in first person and is generally cast in black shadows and dark ambience, making it difficult for the player to see what is in the distance. The general gameplay involves many mazes, each becoming more harder as the monsters become faster.

Monster Names List

Hiachi - "The Lady", White Dress and Pink Hat Lady
Shizu - The Statues
Biwaki - Lady playing the Biwu
Kuriko - Crawling lady in the hotel

the mimic escape rodox Screenshots