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أسواق ثمار

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About أسواق ثمار

The new concept of a food-sharing economy in providing your requests for vegetables and fruits with high quality and best prices through mobile.

The application of the fruits market helps you in knowing the fresh products of vegetables and fruits available in the stores around you. You can also order what you need with ease through the application and delivery is done very quickly within 30 minutes

You can now get everything you need for your home by applying the fruits markets in simple steps:

Why the application of the fruits of the market?

The application provides many advantages, including:

- Enabling customers who want to open stores in a simple and easy way to serve the customers around them.

- Control your application and follow its details.
- The application provides easy ways to pay, you can pay in cash or by using a credit card or mada when the delegate reaches you.

- Send alerts to the user that enables him to follow the progress of his application in a more effective way

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