주식명가 - 주식정보, 급등주, 추천주, 시황분석 icon

주식명가 - 주식정보, 급등주, 추천주, 시황분석

Stock App Developer
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About 주식명가 - 주식정보, 급등주, 추천주, 시황분석

Apps you need to invest in stocks
App for successful stock investment

🏆 Stock Myeongga goes beyond simple profit techniques and item guidance, and informs you of stock information that allows you to survive and make profits on your own in a tough stock market.

🏆 After installing the stock name app and signing up for membership, catch both rabbits: steady profits and big profits with soaring stocks and recommended stocks.

🏆 Know everything about stock investment, how to buy well and how to sell well, and start investing anew in the famous stock market.

🏆 Check the market flow with real-time stock item notifications and market analysis that are really helpful for investment, not unnecessary information.

Stock information, soaring stocks, recommended stocks, and market analysis, all at once, a national stock recommendation app stock price!

#1 Free recommendation of swing investment stocks
■ Provision of mid-term investment long-term investment portfolio of blue-chip stocks and undervalued investment stocks
■ How to find stock chart technical analysis support and resistance
■ How to use stock chart supplementary indicators
■ How to use the secondary indicator DMI MACD CO Stochastic
■ Discovery and guidance of growth stocks value stocks blue chip stocks for value investment
■ Discovery and guidance of items expected to rise and turnaround items

#2 Special Intraday single hit scalping event free recommendation
■ Intraday day scalping day trading method training
■ Free recommendation of single hit stocks for daily 3% profit
■ How to use stock chart supplementary indicators
■ Guide to simple single hit technique using demark
■ Tips on how to catch soaring stocks
■ Real-time recommended item / target price / stop-loss notification

#3 Providing news analysis through classy market conditions column
■ Accurate theme stock analysis that can increase stock investment odds
■ Analysis of market conditions that can increase the odds ratio of stock investment in theme stocks and policy stocks
■ Guide to making money and techniques for beginner investors
■ Provide guidelines on how to invest in stocks for hungry children
■ Guide to the harmonious investment method of technical analysis and fundamental analysis

#4 Provide stock investment data and education
■ Guide to basic knowledge and concepts of stock investment
■ Key summary of stock candle chart analysis method
■ Information on stock market trading trends and supply and demand analysis methods
■ Perfect mastery from value investing to momentum investing
■ How to select a stock item

Business Hours 08:30~16:00
Customer Center: http://pf.kakao.com/_LyxhUxj
Website address: https://www.myungastock.com/

Company name: stock price
Representative: Youngeun Song
Business registration number: 710-02-02564
Unit 303, 3rd floor, Building 1, 3, Hwaseongjungang-ro 64beon-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do (Songsan-dong)

주식명가 - 주식정보, 급등주, 추천주, 시황분석 Screenshots