Check your prize bond in the results of draws with this app, whether the draw is latest or an old one. We cross check your bond number with all of them.
Prize bonds issued by the National Saving Scheme of Pakistan is a bearer instrument. Its ownership belongs to the holder of the instrument just like currency notes and it is also a gold investment and are bearer type of security available in the denominations of 200, 750, 1500, 7500, 15000, 25000 and 40,000. All draws are from National Savings.
These bonds are issued in series. Each series consist of one less than 1,000,000 bonds. No fixed return is paid but prize draws are held on quarterly basis. The draws are held under common draw method and the number of prizes are same for each series.
App is updated frequently with latest draws and also 2018 schedule.
The draw of prize bond value Rs. 750 has been Announced on 15th January 2018 at Lahore on Monday. So, you can check your current prize bond numbers now and also you can check old draw results by selecting draw # numbers for each denomination. Prize bonds new and old draws are available in this app.
Find all prize bonds draw details such as; such as; Rs. 100 Rs. 200, Rs. 750, Rs. 1500, Rs. 7500 Rs. 15000 and Rs. 40,000 respectively, and prize bond schedule 2017 list in our app.
Prize bonds issued by the National Saving Scheme of Pakistan is a bearer instrument. Its ownership belongs to the holder of the instrument just like currency notes and it is also a gold investment and are bearer type of security available in the denominations of 200, 750, 1500, 7500, 15000, 25000 and 40,000. All draws are from National Savings.
These bonds are issued in series. Each series consist of one less than 1,000,000 bonds. No fixed return is paid but prize draws are held on quarterly basis. The draws are held under common draw method and the number of prizes are same for each series.
App is updated frequently with latest draws and also 2018 schedule.
The draw of prize bond value Rs. 750 has been Announced on 15th January 2018 at Lahore on Monday. So, you can check your current prize bond numbers now and also you can check old draw results by selecting draw # numbers for each denomination. Prize bonds new and old draws are available in this app.
Find all prize bonds draw details such as; such as; Rs. 100 Rs. 200, Rs. 750, Rs. 1500, Rs. 7500 Rs. 15000 and Rs. 40,000 respectively, and prize bond schedule 2017 list in our app.
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