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Wasp Solitaire

4.3 out of 5
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About Wasp Solitaire

Wasp is one of the popular solitaire games. Its easier than scorpion and also its quite addicting. Its rules are easy and it is solvable most of the times. Playing Wasp Solitaire is nice way to spent some time while waiting for something. Its great mind exercise as you must think before moving the cards and plan your strategy a bit. Good strategy is to aim to open the closed cards as soon as possible. This will help you with more possible combinations. Also emptying one slot is a good thing. You can place any card there. You can explore more ways to solve it in game. If you like Scorpion you willl like this one too. It may become your favorite solitaire game.

Wasp Solitaire Rules:
Your goal is to make four columns from King to Ace in suit at the tableau.
Cards are build down in suit at the tableau.
Any face up card can be moved.
Any face up card can be placed on an empty column.
When there are no more possible moves use the reserve cards.

Game Features:
Easy to learn rules
Nice colors and graphics
Big card symbols so you can see what you do even in small screens
Free game, totally free
Brain exercise

Playing solitaire games helps you keep your brain exercised and alert. Planing and solving complex solitaires is nice way to keep you relaxed.

Play Wasp Solitaire now. Download it for free and start playing.

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