The Marathon Revolutie app supports the complete training system that is described in the book Marathon Revolutie.
With this app you can perform excersize tests in order to determine your Anaerobic Threshold (your maximum heartrate during excersize) and your VO2max/kg (max Volume Oxygen per kg body weight -> your "talent" to perform).
Daily Restmeasurement helps to determine your daily condition and results in today's training level advice.
Doing your trainings gives you information of the trainingzones you excersized in, the duration and the distance.
You can use the History to see your tests and trainings so you can checkmark your training schedule (manually at the moment).
Your progress is displayed on, you must create an account on that website in order to access your training data.
This website also contains a coach option, a coach can monitor a team's condition and performance in real time.
As extra support, various books are available from us or from "Verademing", "ik, hardloper", "Chronische Vermoeidheid nooit meer".
With this app you can perform excersize tests in order to determine your Anaerobic Threshold (your maximum heartrate during excersize) and your VO2max/kg (max Volume Oxygen per kg body weight -> your "talent" to perform).
Daily Restmeasurement helps to determine your daily condition and results in today's training level advice.
Doing your trainings gives you information of the trainingzones you excersized in, the duration and the distance.
You can use the History to see your tests and trainings so you can checkmark your training schedule (manually at the moment).
Your progress is displayed on, you must create an account on that website in order to access your training data.
This website also contains a coach option, a coach can monitor a team's condition and performance in real time.
As extra support, various books are available from us or from "Verademing", "ik, hardloper", "Chronische Vermoeidheid nooit meer".
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